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Schedule Payment Sync From QuickBooks to Salesforce

Payments need to be synced to Salesforce to not only get payment status and balance due, but also to see how much of a payment has been applied. The mapping document below describes how fields from QuickBooks map to the payment object in Salesofrce.

QuickBooks FieldSalesforce LabelSalesforce API Name
Total AmtAmountqime__Amount__c
Transaction DateTransaction Dateqime__Transaction_Date__c
Customer IdCustomer Idqime__customer_id__c
Unapplied AmountUnapplied Amountqime__unapplied_amount__c
IdQB IDqime__qb_Id__c
Sync TokenQB SyncTokenqime__qb_SyncToken__c

To schedule payments syncing, use the scheduled jobs tab in the QIME app. To manually schedule, perform the following:

  1. Open the Developer Console
  2. Run the following code snippet
System.schedule('QB Payment Sync XX:00', '0 0 * * * ?', new qime.QBPaymentBatch());

This will sync payments from QuickBooks to Salesforce at the top of every hour.

Sync All Payments From QuickBooks -> Salesforce

During an initial setup, it is advised to sync all payments from QuickBooks to Salesforce. To bring all payments from QuickBooks to Salesforce, perform the following:

  1. Open the Developer Console
  2. Run the following code snippet
System.enqueueJob(new qime.QBPaymentQueueable(0, 0, 50, 0));